Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin

A podcast by Rabbi David Lapin


949 Episodes

  1. Pesachim 87 - Empathy and Prophecy

    Published: 2/16/2021
  2. Pesachim 86b - Table Manners

    Published: 2/15/2021
  3. Pesachim 85a - Can one be both religious and wicked?

    Published: 2/14/2021
  4. Pesachim 83a - Applying first principles to new technologies

    Published: 2/12/2021
  5. Pesachim 82a - The Power of Shame

    Published: 2/11/2021
  6. Pesachim 81b - Are Angels Human?

    Published: 2/10/2021
  7. Pesachim 80a - Time and Place

    Published: 2/9/2021
  8. Pesachim 79a Pesach Sheni - Individuals and Institutions

    Published: 2/8/2021
  9. Pesachim 78 - פסח מתחילה לאכילה בא - A Meal is not only about the Food

    Published: 2/7/2021
  10. Pesachim 76 - Influence or Inspiration?

    Published: 2/5/2021
  11. Pesachim 75a - Love Your Neighbor as Yourself: Really?

    Published: 2/4/2021
  12. Pesachim 74 - First Principles: Kashering Glassware

    Published: 2/3/2021
  13. Pesachim 73a מקלקל בחבורה פטור

    Published: 2/2/2021
  14. Pesachim 72a - Retaining and Recalling Wisdom

    Published: 2/1/2021
  15. Pesachim Daf 71 פטור אונס - Unintentionality

    Published: 1/31/2021
  16. Pesachim 69a - Systems Thinking and Halachik Relevance

    Published: 1/29/2021
  17. Pesachim 68 - Personalizing the Study of Torah

    Published: 1/28/2021
  18. Pesachim 67a - לאו-הניתק-לעשה: Repairing the Cracks

    Published: 1/27/2021
  19. Pesachim 66a- Hillel: Reason, Tradition and Character

    Published: 1/26/2021
  20. Pesachim 65a - The Lazy Group

    Published: 1/25/2021

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Matmonim means "hidden treasures." In less than 20 minutes each episode highlights, develops and explains one actionable insight from the Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle. People around the world, from uninitiated seeker to seasoned scholar, are finding inspiration, meaning, and relevance in the wisdom that the Matmonim exposes from every page of Talmud. Matmonim will give you skills to deepen your own learning to get greater satisfaction from the effort you are investing. The podcast is given as a live class each morning at the Raanana Kollel in Israel and focuses on the Daf of the day.