Miracle Mindsets

A podcast by Miracle Mindsets


192 Episodes

  1. #47 Falling In Love With your Body & Quitting the Diet with Laura Phelan

    Published: 8/14/2023
  2. #46 If You're Self-critical or Feeling Stuck, This One's For You

    Published: 8/14/2023
  3. #45 Action & Manifesting Anything You Want

    Published: 8/14/2023
  4. #44 Emilia Thompson on Healing Your Body Image

    Published: 8/14/2023
  5. #43 Things You Should STOP Doing To Feel More Confident, Happiness & Peace

    Published: 8/14/2023
  6. #42 ONE YEAR of Miracle Mindsets

    Published: 8/14/2023
  7. #41 Jamie Clements on Healing The Body through Breathwork

    Published: 8/14/2023
  8. #40 The Power of The Mind, Psychedelics & Detachment

    Published: 8/14/2023
  9. #39 Emotional Intelligence

    Published: 8/14/2023
  10. #38 The Laws Of The Universe | How To Actually Get What You Want

    Published: 8/14/2023
  11. #37 What Do You Want? Being Intentional With Your Own Life

    Published: 8/14/2023
  12. #36 Our Wellness Tips & Disconnecting to Reconnect

    Published: 8/14/2023
  13. #35 Consistency, Getting your Dream Career & Manifesting

    Published: 8/14/2023
  14. #34 Our Biggest Life Lesson & Book Recommendations That You Need

    Published: 8/14/2023
  15. #33 Re-creating Yourself & Becoming Who You Want To Be

    Published: 8/14/2023
  16. #31 Agony Aunts on Solo Dates, Break Ups, Losing Friends & Getting Tougher Skin

    Published: 8/13/2023
  17. #30 Better Communication, Speaking Your Truth & Meaning What You Say

    Published: 8/13/2023
  18. #29 It Is What It Is

    Published: 8/13/2023
  19. #28 Savanna Darnell on Moving to New York, Building your dreams & Finding Yourself

    Published: 8/13/2023
  20. #27 Shadow Work & Your Inner Child | Overcoming Self-Sabotage & Letting Go Of The Past

    Published: 8/13/2023

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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/miraclemindsets/subscribe Welcome to Miracle Mindset, the podcast that's dedicated to helping you find self-love and achieve more in life. The show is hosted by Sammie and Jen, two co-founders who are passionate about personal growth, spirituality, and the power of positive thinking. This podcast is designed to help you tap into your inner potential, overcome limiting beliefs, and create the life of your dreams. So, think of us like your two big sisters, pull up a chair, laugh with us, and raise a glass with us.