Starting Strength Radio

A podcast by Mark Rippetoe - Fridays



572 Episodes

  1. Q&A Episode - Asking Jews, Tipping Wait Staff, Blood Flow Restriction | Starting Strength Radio #192

    Published: 12/23/2022
  2. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #40

    Published: 12/19/2022
  3. RPE, Strength Training, and You | Starting Strength Radio #191

    Published: 12/16/2022
  4. Hormone Optimization for Women | Starting Strength Radio #190

    Published: 12/9/2022
  5. Fulfillment at Work Through Caring for Others | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #39

    Published: 12/5/2022
  6. Q&A Episode - NLP for Children, Nebraska Method, Protein Powder | Starting Strength Radio #189

    Published: 12/2/2022
  7. Q&A Episode - Electric Cars, Factory Farming, and Tapered Belts | Starting Strength Radio #188

    Published: 11/25/2022
  8. How We Do (and Don't Do) "Sales" in the Gyms | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #38

    Published: 11/21/2022
  9. The Clot Thickens with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick | Starting Strength Radio #187

    Published: 11/18/2022
  10. Why You Won't Do the Program | Starting Strength Radio #186

    Published: 11/11/2022
  11. Coach of the Year, Amanda Sheppard | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #37

    Published: 11/7/2022
  12. Q&A Episode - Conan, Inflation, and Narrowcasting | Starting Strength Radio #185

    Published: 11/4/2022
  13. Monster Movies | Starting Strength Radio #184

    Published: 10/28/2022
  14. Rehab with Nick Delgadillo | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #36

    Published: 10/24/2022
  15. Modifying the Lifts | Starting Strength Radio #183

    Published: 10/21/2022
  16. Q&A Episode - Kimchi, Rip's Race Car, and Astigmatisms | Starting Strength Radio #182

    Published: 10/14/2022
  17. Ray's Presentation from the '22 Gyms Conference | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #35

    Published: 10/10/2022
  18. Body Composition and Bodyfat Percentages | Starting Strength Radio #181

    Published: 10/7/2022
  19. Q&A Episode - Texas Weightlifting Boot, Rip's Cookbook, & Apocalypto | Starting Strength Radio #180

    Published: 9/30/2022
  20. From Apprentice to Head Coach | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #34

    Published: 9/26/2022

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Mark Rippetoe hosts Starting Strength Radio where he discusses topics of interest, primarily to him, but perhaps also to you.