Starting Strength Radio

A podcast by Mark Rippetoe - Fridays



572 Episodes

  1. Q&A Episode - The Queen, Chimpanzees, and Gym Affiliates | Starting Strength Radio #179

    Published: 9/23/2022
  2. 20% Better Orgasms at Age 54 | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #33

    Published: 9/19/2022
  3. Testosterone and Depression with Trevor Rachko | Starting Strength Radio #178

    Published: 9/16/2022
  4. Nutrition Priorities For Strength Trainees | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #32

    Published: 9/12/2022
  5. Q&A Episode - Tulsa, Spondylolisthesis, and Elk Meat Starting Strength Radio #177

    Published: 9/9/2022
  6. The Mental and Physical Toll of "Perfectionism" | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #31

    Published: 9/5/2022
  7. Vaccine Facts with Dr. Jessica Rose Starting Strength Radio #176

    Published: 9/2/2022
  8. Corporate Workaholic Turned Gym Owner | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #30

    Published: 8/29/2022
  9. Strength Standards, Combatives, and the Army with Matt Larsen | Starting Strength Radio #175

    Published: 8/26/2022
  10. Growing up with Rip - Josh Wells | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #29

    Published: 8/22/2022
  11. Starting Strength Book for Women? | Starting Strength Radio #174

    Published: 8/19/2022
  12. Is Physical Therapy Fraud? | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #28

    Published: 8/15/2022
  13. Q&A Episode - Texan, P Scale for Men, and Hair Loss | Starting Strength Radio #173

    Published: 8/12/2022
  14. A 730 Pound Deadlift at Age 24 | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #27

    Published: 8/8/2022
  15. Preparing for the Oral Board | Starting Strength Radio #172

    Published: 8/5/2022
  16. An Interview with Ray Gillenwater | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #26

    Published: 8/1/2022
  17. Dr. Wittmer - Hormone Optimization Therapy | Starting Strength Radio #171

    Published: 7/29/2022
  18. 7 Months of Barbell Rehab for Neck Surgery | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #25

    Published: 7/25/2022
  19. Q&A Episode - Rip's Tattoos, Power vs. Strength, and Zach the Jew | Starting Strength Radio #170

    Published: 7/22/2022
  20. Rip's Friend of 20+ Years, Carmen Phillips | Starting Strength Gyms Podcast #24

    Published: 7/18/2022

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Mark Rippetoe hosts Starting Strength Radio where he discusses topics of interest, primarily to him, but perhaps also to you.