The My Sleeping Baby Podcast with Eva Klein

A podcast by Eva Klein- Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant


79 Episodes

  1. SEASON 2 EPISODE 3 How to maximize your career during your maternity leave- with Kinia Romanowska

    Published: 6/30/2021
  2. SEASON 2 EPISODE 2 - Navigating Bedtime Battles with your Toddlers and Preschoolers

    Published: 6/15/2021
  3. SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 - Does sleep training ruin healthy attachment?

    Published: 6/1/2021
  4. SEASON 1 EPISODE 15 - Your Spring Forward Time Change Survival Guide

    Published: 3/12/2021
  5. SEASON 1 EPISODE 14 - How to live your best life during those first years of motherhood with Nicole Oren, Life Coach

    Published: 2/21/2021
  6. SEASON 1 EPISODE 13 - How do I know if I'm ready to sleep train my baby?

    Published: 1/17/2021
  7. SEASON 1 EPISODE 12 - Does your baby still need to eat at night? - With Jessica Gust, Registered Dietitian.

    Published: 1/3/2021
  8. SEASON 1 EPISODE 11 - Sleep training, healthy attachment, and mental health- how and why these 3 go hand-in-hand with Dr. Jill Satin, PhD

    Published: 12/18/2020
  9. SEASON 1 EPISODE 10 - When and how to transition your little one from a crib to a bed

    Published: 12/2/2020
  10. SEASON 1 EPISODE 9 - How to have siblings successfully share a room

    Published: 11/12/2020
  11. SEASON 1 EPISODE 8 - Why I don't like the book "12 Hours by 12 Weeks"

    Published: 11/5/2020
  12. SEASON 1 EPISODE 7 - Transitioning to a no-nap schedule: when and how should this happen?

    Published: 10/21/2020
  13. SEASON 1 EPISODE 6 - Why your little wakes SO FREAKING EARLY and how to fix it!

    Published: 10/7/2020
  14. SEASON 1 EPISODE 5 - MY Take on Teething and Its Impact on Sleep

    Published: 9/23/2020
  15. SEASON 1 EPISODE 4 - Establishing (or RE-establishing) a Routine for Your Kids

    Published: 9/9/2020
  16. SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 - Sleep tools vs. sleep crutches- could they be causing sleep problems?

    Published: 8/1/2020
  17. SEASON 1 EPISODE 3 - Busting those Sleep and Breastfeeding Myths with Sofia Brainin, IBCLC and RN

    Published: 8/1/2020
  18. SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 - The 4 Month Sleep Regression Explained

    Published: 7/12/2020
  19. Welcome! I'm Eva and I LOVE sleep!

    Published: 6/23/2020

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This is a podcast all about baby and child sleep. Learn how to get your little ones consistently sleeping 11-12 hours at night so you can be a functioning human again!Hosted by Eva Klein, your resident sleep expert and mom of 3, we'll be diving into all the various sleep challenges parents regularly face, as well as how they can fix them! Every week, Eva will addressing a popular sleep topic, answering a listener's question, or chatting with a guest expert. If you're looking for some solutions to your sleep little one's sleep woes, or you're simply looking to learn more, this podcast is for you! Check out Eva's FREE training here-