The PE Umbrella | Podcasting ALL things Primary Physical Education

A podcast by Ryan Ellis - Sundays



249 Episodes

  1. Archives Episode 1 - Professor Damian Hughes - Visualisation, Goal-Setting & Mindset in PE

    Published: 7/15/2024
  2. Making every PE lesson count - Under the Umbrella with James Crane

    Published: 7/7/2024
  3. Under the Umbrella with Marisa McKay

    Published: 6/30/2024
  4. Under the Umbrella with Jo Heaume

    Published: 6/23/2024
  5. Under the Umbrella with Gemma Craker

    Published: 6/16/2024
  6. Under the Umbrella with Shauna Pemberton

    Published: 6/9/2024
  7. Under the Umbrella with Sam Horton

    Published: 5/12/2024
  8. Under the Umbrella with Anna Sheppard

    Published: 5/5/2024
  9. Under the Umbrella with Mo Jafar

    Published: 4/28/2024
  10. Under the Umbrella with Hugo Pires

    Published: 4/21/2024
  11. Under the Umbrella with Lewis Keens

    Published: 4/14/2024
  12. A 10 year old's perspective on Primary PE

    Published: 3/31/2024
  13. A 7 year-old's perspective on Primary School PE

    Published: 3/24/2024
  14. Under the Umbrella with Professor Ash Casey

    Published: 3/17/2024
  15. Under the Umbrella with Ben Holden

    Published: 3/10/2024
  16. Under the Umbrella with Aaron Beighle

    Published: 3/3/2024
  17. Under the Umbrella with Dan Wilson

    Published: 2/25/2024
  18. Under the Umbrella with Faith Newton

    Published: 2/18/2024
  19. Under the Umbrella with Dr Vanessa King

    Published: 2/11/2024
  20. Under the Umbrella with Nathan Walker

    Published: 1/28/2024

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Ryan Ellis here, the founder and host of the PE Umbrella, a Primary Physical Education podcast and short blog that discusses all things PE. Interviewing inspiring practitioners from the primary education sector, I will be sharing the latest in excellent practice and discussing what makes PE and Sport such an important tool to engage and enhance the learning of children (across the curriculum) so they are ready to leave school with a solid platform to lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy lifelong physical activity! I will share insights into what makes the top practitioners of today tick, asking about their favourite PE resources, what activities are a must have in the locker for any teacher and success stories about WHAT REALLY WORKS! All in all, the PE Umbrella is about inspiring YOU in YOUR own teaching practice and providing you with the tools, ideas and resources to take ACTION! So come and join me under the PE Umbrella!