The Product Bakery Podcast

A podcast by Alex Dapunt and Christian Strunk - Mondays


131 Episodes

  1. #31 Researching customer problems - with Cindy Alvarez, Director Customer Research @Github

    Published: 2/25/2021
  2. #30 Deep-diving into the Design Ops role - with Pete Fossick Design Director, Coach & Trainer

    Published: 2/18/2021
  3. #29 The evolvement of design communities - with Mindaugas Petrutis Program Director @On Deck

    Published: 2/11/2021
  4. #28 Understanding customers to find product/market fit - with Jim Semick Founder @ProductPlan

    Published: 2/4/2021
  5. #27 Backlog management from a different point of view

    Published: 2/1/2021
  6. #26 Combining business & product mindsets - with Rich Mironov @Product Management Consultant & Author

    Published: 1/28/2021
  7. #25 Clubhouse: Top or flop?

    Published: 1/25/2021
  8. #24 What Product Managers need to succeed in 2021 - with Luca Criscuolo Head of Product @eBay

    Published: 1/21/2021
  9. #23 Empowering teams to be innovative - with Ryan Sousa CDO @Seattle Children's Hospital

    Published: 1/14/2021
  10. #22 Developing a conference & community product - with Rory Madden Founder @UXDX

    Published: 1/7/2021
  11. #21 Wrapping up a remote year with tips for a better working routine

    Published: 12/31/2020
  12. #20 🎄Xmas special: Self organizing & planning 2021 as a Product Person

    Published: 12/24/2020
  13. #19 Accelerating product development with an integrated Design Team - with Shruti Ramiah @N26

    Published: 12/17/2020
  14. #18 Brand & product building don't compete with each other! - with Laura Busche @Author of Lean Branding

    Published: 12/10/2020
  15. #17 Communities as a foundation to kick-starting your product & brand - with Monica Lent @Bloggingfordevs

    Published: 12/3/2020
  16. #16 Creating a product strategy in times of uncertainty

    Published: 11/30/2020
  17. #15 The role of UX in the most played computer game League of Legends - with Alex Wheeler @Riot Games

    Published: 11/26/2020
  18. #14 Defining the right pricing for SaaS products - with Markus Hafellner @Bitmovin

    Published: 11/19/2020
  19. #13 Designing experiences not screens

    Published: 11/16/2020
  20. #12 Building the first product teams in early-stage startups - with Sebastian Sabouné @Founders Factory

    Published: 11/12/2020

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In this Show, Design Manager Alex Dapunt, and Product Coach Christian Strunk are bringing people from all product functions together to talk about the key to build successful products customers love. This involves everything from Product Management to Design as well as Development and Marketing, breaking down traditional silos around these functions and fostering an open dialogue between them. Tune in for weekly interviews, discussions, and best practices that help you understand the whole product process.