This Is Automation

A podcast by Cory Dowless


19 Episodes

  1. Humans and Robots Working Together (Zac Dydek, Vecna Robotics)

    Published: 9/15/2020
  2. Evolving Traditional Practice with Mixed Reality (Don Harvey, Jr., Harvin AR)

    Published: 7/14/2020
  3. Culture and Innovation (John Landrum, Intralox)

    Published: 6/24/2020
  4. Automation in Food Packaging (Craig Souser, JLS Automation)

    Published: 6/9/2020
  5. The Future of Technology (Gregory Brown, UPS)

    Published: 6/2/2020
  6. Leading with Technology (Blad Uran, QuantumFlo)

    Published: 5/26/2020
  7. Redundancy Or: Redundancy

    Published: 5/11/2020
  8. Hypervisor and Why You Should Care

    Published: 2/20/2020
  9. Loupe is Automation: Why B&R? (David Nichols)

    Published: 2/8/2020
  10. Intro to IIoT & Cloud Technology (Varad Darji)

    Published: 1/20/2020
  11. The Evolution of Mobile Automation (Sean Grieve)

    Published: 11/11/2019
  12. Change Your View! (Corey Morton)

    Published: 9/24/2019
  13. Web-Based HMIs and mapp View (Daniel Ghizoni)

    Published: 8/27/2019
  14. Model-Based Simulation and MapleSim (Chris Harduwar)

    Published: 8/13/2019
  15. Machine Learning in Industrial Automation (Jeremy Lee)

    Published: 7/29/2019
  16. The Business Case for ACOPOStrak (Dave Emory)

    Published: 6/13/2019
  17. Dr. ACOPOStrak Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Trak (Derrick Stacey)

    Published: 5/29/2019
  18. Get OUT! (OPC UA TSN)

    Published: 3/27/2019
  19. Hungover on New Year's Day? Invent the PLC!

    Published: 3/20/2019

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Join host Cory Dowless to learn about automation, robotics, IIoT, and trends in the automation industry. Interviews with top automation professionals, lessons on basic and advanced automation topics, and more!