The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama
A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays

511 Episodes
Day 5: Do You Want To Start A Podcast mini-series // The “Tech-y” Stuff // And What’s Next?
Published: 8/28/2020 -
84. How can we love our spouses unconditionally? // with The DC Experiment Podcast (Part 1)
Published: 8/28/2020 -
83. Why I’m Catholic
Published: 8/27/2020 -
Day 4: Do You Want To Start A Podcast mini-series // Brain dump episode topics & practice recording
Published: 8/27/2020 -
82.5 What Do Catholics Believe About Mary? // with Catholic Apologist Trent Horn
Published: 8/26/2020 -
82. What Do Catholics Believe About The Eucharist? // with Catholic Apologist Trent Horn
Published: 8/26/2020 -
Day 3: Do You Want To Start A Podcast mini-series // What’s the promise? Why are people listening?
Published: 8/26/2020 -
Day 2: Do You Want To Start A Podcast mini-series // Define Your Audience - Who Are You Talking To?
Published: 8/25/2020 -
Day 1: Do You Want To Start A Podcast mini-series // Create A Catchy Title & Description
Published: 8/24/2020 -
81.5 Growth Mindset: Embrace Discomfort in Hard Seasons // with podcaster Bethany Adkins (Part 2)
Published: 8/24/2020 -
81. Growth Mindset: Embrace Discomfort in Hard Seasons // with podcaster Bethany Adkins (Part 1)
Published: 8/24/2020 -
80.5 It’s ok to be angry, mama // Practical tools with life coach Natalie Hixson (Part 2)
Published: 8/21/2020 -
80. It’s ok to be angry, mama // Practical tools with life coach Natalie Hixson (Part 1)
Published: 8/21/2020 -
79. Kids Aren’t A Burden, They’re A Blessing
Published: 8/20/2020 -
Author Spotlight #12: Prayer Matters & It’s Simple // With Author Chrystal Evans Hurst
Published: 8/19/2020 -
78.5 (Part 2) God’s Grace is Abundant & God is bigger than our struggles // with Misty Phillip
Published: 8/17/2020 -
78. God’s Grace is Abundant & God is bigger than our struggles // with Misty Phillip (Part 1)
Published: 8/17/2020 -
77. The First 5 Minutes Are Always The Hardest // Start small, friend
Published: 8/13/2020 -
Author Spotlight #11 Part 2: Love Works // Balancing Kindness & Truthfulness // with Joel Manby
Published: 8/12/2020 -
Author Spotlight #11: Love Works // Practical ways to use encouragement // with Joel Manby (Part 1)
Published: 8/12/2020
"The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things... Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.'" Luke 10:41-42 How do we choose "the better part" in the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic days of motherhood? How do we know when God is calling us to set down the laundry so that we can pray, and when we need to set down our Bibles to love the crying child right in front of us? This podcast delves into all aspects of Christian motherhood, trying at its core to point all listeners to Jesus and His loving plan for us.