Hi I’m Anxious - Over-functioning, anxiety management, high achieving women, anxiety, overthinking, perfectionism

A podcast by Katy Dahl - Anxiety Management Mentor, Overcomer - Mondays



125 Episodes

  1. 24. Want to be a get stuff done kind of woman? One strategy to calm overwhelm and 3 ways you can use this strategy right away to reduce stress, anxiety, and panic

    Published: 12/5/2022
  2. 23. Find yourself thinking “I need just a minute to myself!”? 4 strategies to get some time for yourself, and relief from overwhelm and overstimulation, for busy professional women and moms

    Published: 11/28/2022
  3. 22. One mindset shift to move you from feeling stuck in overwhelm and overthinking to relieving stress, anxiety, and panic

    Published: 11/21/2022
  4. 21. Did something terrible happen? How to use one simple effective tool to help come back from an anxiety or panic producing stressful experience

    Published: 11/14/2022
  5. 20. Overwhelmed? Get quick relief and reduce stress, anxiety, and panic with 1 decision for high achieving women

    Published: 11/7/2022
  6. 19. How overthinking steals time from you causing panic, high stress, and anxiety - and the 1 thing that can stop it NOW

    Published: 10/31/2022
  7. 18. 5 Part Series to Create an Anxiety Masterplan for Life, Part 5 with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

    Published: 10/25/2022
  8. 17. 5 Part Series to Create an Anxiety Masterplan for Life, Part 4 with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

    Published: 10/24/2022
  9. 16. 5 Part Series to Create an Anxiety Masterplan for Life, Part 3 with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

    Published: 10/19/2022
  10. 15. 5 Part Series to Create an Anxiety Masterplan for Life, Part 2 with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

    Published: 10/18/2022
  11. 14. 5 Part Series to Create an Anxiety Masterplan for Life, Part 1 with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

    Published: 10/17/2022
  12. 13. Never feel like you’ve done enough? 5 Tools to eliminate this awful feeling and not beat yourself up for high achieving moms

    Published: 10/10/2022
  13. 12. Feel like your job or business is a prison? How you can find relief from high stress with one decision

    Published: 10/3/2022
  14. 11. One thing you can do right now to stop anxiety and overwhelm from becoming panic

    Published: 9/26/2022
  15. 10. Could Overwhelm be Causing Your Anxiety? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself as a Busy Working Mom

    Published: 9/19/2022
  16. 9. 3 Hacks to Reframing your Mindset and Finding Anxiety Relief for Busy Working Women

    Published: 9/12/2022
  17. 8. Want to have more fun? The ONE thing you can do to start having more fun right now as a busy professional woman

    Published: 9/5/2022
  18. 7. The first step to being present enough with others for high functioning achievement driven women

    Published: 8/29/2022
  19. 6. How to figure out if you’re doing something for fun or to overachieve as a busy anxious woman

    Published: 8/22/2022
  20. 5. 1 of the biggest anxiety relief strategies for anxious working moms

    Published: 8/15/2022

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Welcome to “Hi I’m Anxious.” Are you an over-functioning, high-achieving, over-thinking perfectionist but an amazing woman who also suffers incessantly with anxiety? You are not alone. Hi I’m Katy Dahl and I am an HR professional, business owner, entrepreneur, wife, and mom and I have suffered from anxiety for what seems like forever. For as long as I can remember, anxiety has been part of my life. It’s the ugly little friend that rears its head at the time that is most inconvenient… when I want to be most present with my family, at the high pressure business meeting, when I am awake in bed at night worrying instead of sleeping. Anxiety has crept into otherwise perfect moments in my life and stolen that joy from me. l I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and I found that there were some tools for managing it. I don’t think I’ll ever be free from anxiety, but now I am equipped to overcome it and enjoy life despite it. Together, on this podcast, we’re going to work through mind management, physical health, and getting the support we need. We’re going to hear from experts, therapists, and psychologists, and we’re going to dive into the tools you can use so you can go from “Hi I’m Anxious” to “Hi I’m way less anxious.” So put down that third cup of coffee, swap it for some lemon water, we’re about to get this thing under control. IG @hiimanxiouspodcast Connect-> [email protected]