Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby

A podcast by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活 - Wednesdays


126 Episodes

  1. Taiwanese Folktale:The Tiger Aunt 虎姑婆 | Chinese Graded Reader

    Published: 5/26/2022
  2. 74. 去早市買菜 Shopping at a Traditional Market

    Published: 5/19/2022
  3. 73. 斜槓 Slang: Slash/ Multiple careers

    Published: 5/4/2022
  4. 72. 在國外交朋友、練語言 How to practice Chinese by making local friends

    Published: 4/27/2022
  5. 71. 探索老臺北:加蚋子 Explore Taipei: Gara ft. Olga

    Published: 4/20/2022
  6. 70. 做惡夢 Having Nightmares

    Published: 4/13/2022
  7. 69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble

    Published: 4/6/2022
  8. 68. 理性還是感性 Rational or Emotional ft. 我姐

    Published: 3/23/2022
  9. 67. 戴牙套 Wearing Dental Braces | 6 Minute Chinese

    Published: 3/16/2022
  10. 66. Bringing Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S ft. Chantelle from Asiania

    Published: 3/9/2022
  11. 65. 便利商店 Convenience Store Culture in Taiwan

    Published: 3/2/2022
  12. 64. 《返校》Taiwanese Game/TV Series: Detention

    Published: 2/23/2022
  13. 63. 虎年 Tiger Year Edition

    Published: 1/31/2022
  14. 62. 聊焦慮 All About Anxiety ft. 小伊

    Published: 1/19/2022
  15. 61. 台劇《若是一個人》Taiwanese Drama: I, Myself

    Published: 1/12/2022
  16. 60. 跟團 vs 自助旅行 Guided Tours vs Independent Travel ft. 我姐

    Published: 1/5/2022
  17. 59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To

    Published: 12/22/2021
  18. 58. 聊交友軟體 Online Dating Culture in Taiwan ft. 季凡

    Published: 12/15/2021
  19. 57. 秋日閒聊 An Autumn Ramble

    Published: 12/8/2021
  20. 56. 談繪本創作 Healing through Art and Creativity ft. 小伊

    Published: 12/1/2021

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Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a native Mandarin speaker! Each podcast is 100% in Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(Full transcripts): ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: ► Support my work: Tips: Adjust the speed if it's too fast for you. Learn Chinese | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | 台灣華語 | TOCFL | HSK -- Hosting provided by SoundOn