Body Kindness

A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

184 Episodes

  1. #105 - An Anti-Diet New Year: Body Shame Out, Body Kindness In

    Published: 1/1/2019
  2. #104 - Body Kindness Reader Stories – How I Finally Ditched Diets and Learned How To Love Myself

    Published: 12/24/2018
  3. #103 - Diet and the Disease of Civilization with Dr. Adrienne Rose Bitar

    Published: 12/16/2018
  4. #102 - Learn & Grow Pt 6 - Creating New Habits Takes Serious Effort. Here Are Your Tools.

    Published: 12/10/2018
  5. #101 - Worried about being called fat? Anticipated weight stigma harms health with Dr. Angela Meadows, PhD

    Published: 12/3/2018
  6. #100 - Diet Culture Exists Because We Don't Want to Die with Michelle Allison the Fat Nutritionist

    Published: 11/26/2018
  7. #99 - Learn & Grow Pt 5 - How Mindfulness Helps You Handle Bad Emotions

    Published: 11/12/2018
  8. #98 - Understanding Weight Stigma Research Part One - with Jeffrey Hunger, PhD

    Published: 11/5/2018
  9. #97 - Learn & Grow Part 4 - You don’t have a food addiction. You need permission to eat (and eat emotionally)

    Published: 10/29/2018
  10. #96 - Why Dieting Doesn’t Usually Work with Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt, PhD

    Published: 10/17/2018
  11. #95 - Body Kindness Learn & Grow Part 3 - Reflections on Intuitive Eating from Principles to Practice

    Published: 10/15/2018
  12. #94 - Body Kindness Learn & Grow Part 2 - Extreme Exercise is Unnecessary

    Published: 9/26/2018
  13. #93 - Body Kindness Learn & Grow Part 1 - Ditching 'Diet Brain' for Body Kindness

    Published: 9/11/2018
  14. #92 - Talking About Food and Bodies in the Home with Anna Lutz, RDN

    Published: 9/4/2018
  15. #91 - Raising HAES Body Kindness for families with Kristy Fassio

    Published: 8/27/2018
  16. #90 - You Have the Right to Remain Fat (and be a fat ally) with Virgie Tovar

    Published: 8/20/2018
  17. #89 - Body Kindness in Postpartum Women: Body Image, Postpartum Depression, and Disordered Eating with Lindsay Stenovec, Creator of The Nurtured Mama

    Published: 7/26/2018
  18. #88 - Why Women Fake Orgasms with Emily Nagoski, PhD author of the bestselling book Come As You Are

    Published: 7/17/2018
  19. #87 - Weight and Body Conversations in the Media

    Published: 7/3/2018
  20. #86 - Racial Disparities in Pregnancy Outcomes with “The Radical Doula” Miriam Zoila Pérez

    Published: 6/22/2018

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This is a show about health, not weight loss. It’s time to redefine what it means to pursue health, where your well-being matters more than your weight. When you practice Body Kindness®, you create a more satisfying life by being good to yourself. Learn how self-compassion and acceptance help you cultivate a “caregiver” voice and quiet the “inner critic”. HAES Dietitian and Certified Exercise Physiologist Rebecca Scritchfield and her guests have interesting conversations about the cultural influences that keep you stuck in “diet prison” and how you can break free to create meaningful changes in your life. Instead of dieting, you’ll practice self-care, including better sleep, flexible eating patterns, having more fun, and moving in way that feels good, not punishing. Regular guest Bernie Salazar, a former Biggest Loser “winner” shares why he’s happier and healthier as a fat man.