EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast

A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE - Mondays


797 Episodes

  1. Clarity Can Bring Motivation: Why Am I Doing This?

    Published: 4/13/2022
  2. Want A New 30 Min PR? This Might Help

    Published: 4/11/2022
  3. Using Anger From Failure

    Published: 4/10/2022
  4. EVOQ Team: 4h Indoor Motivation, NE Rain Outs, Less Intervals & VO2Max Intervals

    Published: 4/9/2022
  5. VO2Max vs. Threshold vs. Sweet Spot Blocks For FTP 😺😺😺😺

    Published: 4/8/2022
  6. Stephen Bassett: Midseason Catch Up! Volume, Aero, MTB (?!)

    Published: 4/7/2022
  7. Letting Go, From Matt Fitzgerald. Goals & Fun.

    Published: 4/6/2022
  8. Tom Bell Conversation: Time Trials, Nils VDP Mega Training, Lots of Threads

    Published: 4/5/2022
  9. 3 VO2 In A Row? But, why? Cat 4 Q email...

    Published: 4/4/2022
  10. Training Too Much? Not hungry, fatigues, power waning...

    Published: 4/2/2022
  11. Training For A Gran Fondo: Nutrition Cat 4 Questions. Mmmm, Carbs. Protein.

    Published: 4/1/2022
  12. 8 Minutes Matters. Seriously. And, Interviews Are Returning! Details.

    Published: 3/31/2022
  13. We Can't "Out-Watt" Position and Strategy

    Published: 3/30/2022
  14. How Long Should My Pulls Be In A Group Ride

    Published: 3/29/2022
  15. When Races Get Cancelled or Life Changes. How To Improve.

    Published: 3/28/2022
  16. New Dad, First Gravel Race, Not Shoveling Coal All Weekend

    Published: 3/27/2022
  17. The Endurance Gets No Love, But 300 Hours...

    Published: 3/26/2022
  18. Organizing The Hard/Medio Workouts, And Going Longer (TEMPO!)

    Published: 3/25/2022
  19. Go To Your First BIG Race This Year And Be OKAY With 57th Place. It Gets Better

    Published: 3/25/2022
  20. Increasing or Decreasing The Rest Interval

    Published: 3/24/2022

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We are here to share our cycling training & racing experiences. Let's combine data analytics, IRL experience, physical and mental training, and see what happens! πŸš€βš‘οΈπŸ₯‡ Check out our site: https://www.evoq.bike/ and the blog at www.evoq.bike/blog for a TON of free information to make you STRONGER and FASTER YouTube channel has a lot of videos also! https://linktr.ee/EVOQBIKE