Body Kindness

A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

184 Episodes

  1. #142 - Believe Me: Why trusting women is essential for collective well-being with Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti

    Published: 2/12/2020
  2. #141 - How the 4 S’s help you “show up” for kids well-being with Tina Payne Bryson, PhD Bestselling Author

    Published: 1/29/2020
  3. #140 - Boys and Sex: Navigating the new masculinity with bestselling author Peggy Orenstein

    Published: 1/19/2020
  4. #139 - How to experience the joy of movement and the power of moving in community with Kelly McGonigal PhD

    Published: 1/6/2020
  5. #138 - Why being “ANTI-diet” is “pro” health with Christy Harrison, HAES dietitian, host of Food Psych podcast and author of Anti-Diet

    Published: 12/30/2019
  6. #137 - Listener Q&A: How can teachers help kids with body kindness? What if I’m feeling detached from my body?

    Published: 12/19/2019
  7. #136 - Listener Q&A: Can I learn to like exercise? How do I address co-workers food shame?

    Published: 12/12/2019
  8. #135 - Take Meaningful ACTion toward change with Steven C. Hayes PhD author of A Liberated Mind

    Published: 12/3/2019
  9. #134 - Listener Q&A: What's the real deal with Intermittent Fasting?

    Published: 11/20/2019
  10. #133 - Learn & Grow Part 12 – “Dear Panic Attack, Thank You for All You Have Shown Me.” (and Other Gratitudes From Body Kindness Readers and Listeners)

    Published: 11/4/2019
  11. #132 - Intuitive Eating: The history, growth and impact with co-creators Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

    Published: 10/26/2019
  12. #131 - Actress Lisa Linke on Diet Culture, Fatphobia in Entertainment and Healing Her Body Relationship

    Published: 10/14/2019
  13. #130 - Empowering teens to find validation within themselves with Angie Manfredi, author of The (Other) F Word

    Published: 10/8/2019
  14. #129 - Listener Q&A – Your Body Kindness Questions, Answered

    Published: 9/29/2019
  15. #128 - How time tracking can help you improve your life with Laura Vanderkam, author of Off the Clock

    Published: 9/16/2019
  16. #127 - Please Don't Screw Up Our Kids! Part 2: A Conversation About Food, Weight and Body Image with Virginia Sole-Smith of Comfort Food Podcast

    Published: 9/3/2019
  17. #126: Concerned about your child's weight? Here's how you can help them without harming

    Published: 8/27/2019
  18. #125 - Kurbo Weight Watchers App for Kids is Upsetting Parents and Professionals

    Published: 8/19/2019
  19. [Repost] #26 - Be the Expert on Your Body: Intuitive Eating as an act of Body Kindness with Evelyn Tribole, co-author of Intuitive Eating book and workbook

    Published: 8/13/2019
  20. [Repost] #31 - Intimate Justice & How To Talk To Kids About Sex, with NYT Bestselling Author Peggy Orenstein

    Published: 8/6/2019

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This is a show about health, not weight loss. It’s time to redefine what it means to pursue health, where your well-being matters more than your weight. When you practice Body Kindness®, you create a more satisfying life by being good to yourself. Learn how self-compassion and acceptance help you cultivate a “caregiver” voice and quiet the “inner critic”. HAES Dietitian and Certified Exercise Physiologist Rebecca Scritchfield and her guests have interesting conversations about the cultural influences that keep you stuck in “diet prison” and how you can break free to create meaningful changes in your life. Instead of dieting, you’ll practice self-care, including better sleep, flexible eating patterns, having more fun, and moving in way that feels good, not punishing. Regular guest Bernie Salazar, a former Biggest Loser “winner” shares why he’s happier and healthier as a fat man.