EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast

A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

805 Episodes

  1. Ice in Panty Ho’s??? Also, My newest Go To for Heat: LactiGo on the chest! Also, why I’ve socks?

    Published: 6/29/2021
  2. 2021 USA Cycling Amateur Road Nationals

    Published: 6/28/2021
  3. Solids or Gels? How hard are we going?

    Published: 6/27/2021
  4. Alex Hoehn Interview, Part 2: Keep It Simple, What It Takes To Go Pro, Small Details, Food Choices

    Published: 6/24/2021
  5. Struggling With VO2Max Cycling Intervals? Failing In The Third Week?

    Published: 6/23/2021
  6. You want me to VO2Max in this heat? 🔋🥵

    Published: 6/22/2021
  7. Alex Hoehn Interview: Tour of Rwanda! Interval choices. Stage Race vs. One Day Training

    Published: 6/21/2021
  8. Cat 4 Questions: Crit Squad Part 2, Ep #237

    Published: 6/20/2021
  9. Clarifying FTP & Surges in Crits (training and physiological effect)

    Published: 6/19/2021
  10. Doing Less Might Mean More If You Have A Crit SZN

    Published: 6/19/2021
  11. Why I don’t look at power during a race

    Published: 6/18/2021
  12. The Workout Description Threw Me For A Loop ➿➰Ep #234

    Published: 6/17/2021
  13. We're Burning Too Many Unnecessary Matches! Don't Drop Yourself!

    Published: 6/16/2021
  14. Cramps + Strength + Training Injured

    Published: 6/15/2021
  15. Tour of North Georgia (TONGA) Road Race - Rock Springs; Being Effective in the Chase & Finish

    Published: 6/14/2021
  16. Periodization For The 8h Per Week Cyclist? Cat 4 Questions.

    Published: 6/12/2021
  17. Why Endurance Rides Shouldn’t Be Tempo Rides

    Published: 6/11/2021
  18. The Disappointments Will Happen. Absorb and Move Onward!

    Published: 6/10/2021
  19. James Piccoli Interview, Part 2: Interval Training (Chase Spatial Goals), Nutrition (Carbs!), & More

    Published: 6/9/2021
  20. Keep Your Spouse Informed

    Published: 6/8/2021

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We are here to share our cycling training & racing experiences. Let's combine data analytics, IRL experience, physical and mental training, and see what happens! 🚀⚡️🥇 Check out our site: https://www.evoq.bike/ and the blog at www.evoq.bike/blog for a TON of free information to make you STRONGER and FASTER YouTube channel has a lot of videos also! https://linktr.ee/EVOQBIKE